A downloadable game for Windows

You juSt foUnd YoursElf iN YouR LoVely sWAmp, hoMe swEeT hoMe, bUt what is this? ThEse roBotS looK likE yOu aNd tHey JUst KeeP ComIng!? So pRoteCt yoUR liTtle Hut, ToWer DefEnse sTyLe!


UpGraDe yoUr toWerS wITh rEsoUrceS to nOt get oveRwHelmed by enemies, along with musiC folLowIng Your leVeL progresS to aLwAys KEep yOu oN eDge.

ThIs pRojecT wAs maDe duRinG a 4 DAy lOng GaMeJAm hOstEd By tHe HTK AcAdeMy

DeVelOpmeNt: rouru

ArT AnD 3D MoDelinG: esztxr, MaryRasberrylatenzschinTiensha

LEvel DeSign: esztxr

UsEr InteRface: TheFlamingoForge

SoUNd DeSign: Nos4you

ThE foLlowInG ProGraMs weRe useD:

AdObe PHotOshop, ADobe IlluStraTor, BlenDer, UnReal EnGine, FmOd, AblEton

SouNd PlUgInS:

ShRedDage 3, SSd5 SaMpler

Published 11 hours ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsRouru, Tiensha, MaryRasberry, Nos4you, esztxr, latenzschin, TheFlamingoForge
Made withAdobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Unreal Engine
TagsFrogs, frogpunk, No AI, Tower Defense, Unreal Engine
Average sessionA few seconds


FROG_OFF!!.zip 320 MB


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Lustiges Konzept und schöne umsetztung des Themas FrogPunk.
2D und 3D art passen super zusammen und das spiel läuft beinahe problemlos was für den straffen zeitrahmen super ist. Es ist mir leider im Highscore stecken geblieben aber das Game selbst hat mir sehr gefallen.